ALLIANCE ORGANICS LLP is a high quality manufacturer of Reactive Dyes in India.
We produce the complete range of Reactive Dyes, however our major volume of Reactive Dyes are
Reactive Bifunctional Dyes also known as ‘ME’ Dyes or Bifunctional Dyes are highly economical Reactive Dyes with good exhaustion and fixation properties. Our Bifunctional Dyes have good solubility .
Reactive High Exhaust Dyes are also known as Reactive ‘HE’ Dyes have extremely high fixation and high tinctorial value, hence they are economical to use.
Reactive High Exhaust Dyes have very good built up as well as short and long liquor ratio’s
Reactive High Exhaust Dyes are also suitable for use in polyester, cotton and viscose blend by Single Bath 2 Step Method